Primitive data types

Data type Used for Min. value Max. value Example literals Explained in video*
short integer number -32768 +32767 (short) 11 (short) 0 (short) 12345 Lesson 242
int integer number ≈ -2 billions ≈ +2 billions -1234 0 15_622 Lesson 22
long integer number ≈ -9E18 ≈ +9E18 -1000L 0L 5_000_000_000L Lesson 242
float floating point number ≈ 3.4E-38 ≈ 3.4E+38 -2.5f 0.0f 123.456f Lesson 242
double floating point number ≈ 1.8E-308 ≈ 1.8E+308 -2.5 or -2.5d 0.0 3.45678 Lesson 35
boolean truth value true false Lesson 79
char unicode character 'a' 'Z' '\t' '\\' Lesson 241
byte sequence of 8 bits
(a bit is 0 or 1)
-128 127 (byte) -42 (byte) 0 (byte) 123 Lesson 242
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