boolean |
Primitive data type for a truth value. Can be either true or false. |
Lesson 79 |
break |
loops |
Immediately terminates the loop. Control flow jumps to the first statement behind the loop. |
Lesson 55 |
break |
switch |
Prevents fall-through in a branch of a switch-statement. |
Lesson 128 |
byte |
Primitive data type for a byte (sequence of 8 bits). |
Lesson 242 |
case |
Introduces each branch of a switch-statement. |
Lesson 128 |
char |
Primitive data type for a single unicode character. |
Lesson 241 |
class |
Used to declare an own object data type (class). |
Lesson 145 |
continue |
Skips the rest of the loop body. Control flow jumps to the check of the termination condition. Depending on the termination condition the loop is continued or terminated. |
Lesson 243 |
default |
The default branch of a switch-statement is executed if none of the case branches was executed. Similar to an else branch of an if-statement. |
Lesson 128 |
do |
Beginning of a do-while loop. |
Lesson 47 |
double |
Default primitive data type for floating point numbers. |
Lesson 35 |
else |
The else-branch of a conditional statement is executed if none of the previous if and else-if branches were executed. |
Lesson 41 |
false |
termination condition |
Literal for the value boolean value false. |
Lesson 47 |
false |
boolean variable |
Literal for the value boolean value false. |
Lesson 79 |
final |
Declares a constant primitive value or a constant reference. Please note that in case of a reference only the reference itself is constant, the referenced object can still be changed. |
Lesson 235 |
float |
Primitive data type for a floating point number with a smaller value range than double. |
Lesson 242 |
for |
Beginning of a for or for-each loop. For and for-each loops are often used to iterate through an array. |
Lesson 207 |
if |
Conditional statement that is executed only when the if-condition is evaluated to true. |
Lesson 25 |
import |
Importing the class Scanner means to let Java know that we would like to use the class java.util.Scanner under the simple name Scanner. |
Lesson 185 |
int |
Default primitive data type for integer numbers. |
Lesson 22 |
long |
Primitive data type for an integer number with a larger value range than int. |
Lesson 242 |
new |
Creates a new instance of an object data type (class). |
Lesson 163 |
package |
Determines the package name of the class. The package name has to match the directory structure in which the class is located. |
Lesson 184 |
private |
Access modifier. Private attributes and methods are only accessible within the class that declares the attribute or method. |
Lesson 157 |
public |
Access modifier. Public attributes and methods are also accessible from outside the class that declares the attribute or method. |
Lesson 157 |
return |
Immediately terminates a method call and might return a value to the caller. Control flow jumps back to the caller. In concrete to the first statement behind the method call. |
Lesson 97 |
short |
Primitive data type for an integer number with a smaller value range than int. |
Lesson 242 |
static |
Declares a class variable (static variable) or a class method (static method). A class variable only exists once and is shared among all instances. A class method has no access to instance variables or instance methods. |
Lesson 229 |
switch |
Control structure that can sometimes be used to replace an if-statement with several branches. |
Lesson 128 |
this |
Reference to the own instance in constructors and instance method calls. |
Lesson 167 |
true |
termination condition |
Literal for the value boolean value true. |
Lesson 47 |
true |
boolean variable |
Literal for the value boolean value true. |
Lesson 79 |
void |
Used in a method declaration to indicate that the method does not return anything. The keyword void is written before the method name instead of the return type. |
Lesson 97 |
while |
do-while loop |
End of a do-while loop. |
Lesson 47 |
while |
while loop |
Beginning of a while loop. |
Lesson 52 |